On Thursday 20 October we hosted a Community Table Quiz for families and friends of our school.
Mrs McCrae was well organised for the event and had a great team of Yr12-14 helping with everything from carparking, fee paying, answer collecting and of course scoring! The cogs in the brains were whirring as Mrs McCrae kept the questions coming!
The competition was fierce and the team rivalry was high.
We were fed and watered at the halfway mark, thanks to the school staff who provided the half-time treats, and the pupils who helped serve!
There was plenty to keep all energised for the final rounds.
The winners were delighted with their prizes with the First Prize team donating their £100 prize to a charity we support in school, how generous of them! Huge thanks to Mrs McCrae for all her hard work in organising this event and being a superb quiz master, she was magnificent, and everyone had a fantastic night. It was great to see so many pupils, past pupils, family and friends join in!